VERSION 2.0.652
New Features
Temperature Chart Improvements
We have upgraded the temperature charts on the Overview and History screens in Sonar App. These new charts allow for improved functionality and user experience. The new features include improved tooltips, panning, and the ability to zoom into hourly data from the overview graph.
Connectivity Report Enhancements
We have made a few enhancements to the Active Flock Connectivity Report in Sonar Web. These include:
- Changing the visual to a matrix which allows for quickly expanding and collapsing growouts and farms.
- Freezing the Growout, Farm, and House columns so that as a user scrolls to the right, they can still see which house it is associated with.
- Updating the coloring to gray out cells where a sensor is not installed. For example, if a house only has 2 feed bins, then the Feed Bin 3 Amount cell will be grayed out. This lets users know that the data is expected to be blank in that cell.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue where the mortality screen did not load for certain scenarios.